IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
13–16 May 2024 // Washington, DC

Demos and Posters


Posters and Demos

Tuesday 2:30 pm ~ Thursday 12:00 pm

Posters and demos will be set up throughout the entire period from Tuesday 2:30PM through Thursday Noon in Washington I. Stop by during coffee breaks if you want to talk to the authors or at any other time if you want to check out the posters/demos on your own.

Location: Washington I

1. Spectrum Sharing in the POWDER Radio Dynamic Zone with OpenZMS

David M. Johnson, Muhammad Basit Iqbal Awan, Miguel Gomez, Aarushi Sarbhai and Leigh Stoller (University of Utah, USA); Serhat Tadik and Gregory Durgin (Georgia Tech, USA); Jacobus E. Van der Van der Merwe (University of Utah, USA)


2. Reactive Interference Management in a Radio Dynamic Zone

Aarushi Sarbhai, David M. Johnson and Kirk Webb (University of Utah, USA); Kevin Gifford (University of Colorado, USA); Sneha Kumar Kasera and Jacobus E. Van der Van der Merwe (University of Utah, USA); Neal Patwari (Washington University in St. Louis, USA); Bo Pearce (University of Colorado, USA); Oren R Collaco, Arvind Aradhya and Stefan Tschimben (University of Colorado Boulder, USA); Sylvia Llosa (University of Colorado Boulder & Masheenist LLC., USA); Georgiana Weihe (University of Colorado Boulder, USA); David DeBoer (University of California, USA); Wael Farah and Alexander Pollak (SETI Institute, USA); Mark Ruzindana, Cole Forrester and Brock Stover (University of California, USA)


3. Real-Time Geofencing of EESS Radiometers for Spectrum Sharing with 5G

Arvind Aradhya and Elliot Eichen (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)


4. An Ultra-low Energy Soft-Detection Decoder using ORBGRAND

Arslan Riaz and Zeynep Ece Kizilates (Boston University, USA); Muriel Médard (MIT, USA); Ken R. Duffy (Northeastern University, USA); Rabia T Yazicigil (Boston University, USA)


5. Demo: POWDER over-the-air digital communications virtual learning lab

Neal Patwari (Washington University in St. Louis, USA); Meles G Weldegebriel (Washington University in Saint Louis, USA); Jie Wang (Washington University in St. Louis, USA); Frost B Mitchell (University of Utah, USA); Aarti Singh and Cassie A Jeng (Washington University in St. Louis, USA); Jacobus E. Van der Van der Merwe and Kirk Webb (University of Utah, USA)


6. Spectrum Characterization and Occupancy Sensing Demonstration

Peter Mathys (University of Colorado, USA); Douglas Boulware, Anthony W. Romaniello, Justin Haze, Bradley Eales, Todd Schumann and Michael Cotton (NTIA, USA)


7. POWDER Over-the-air Pseudonymetry

Meles G Weldegebriel (Washington University in Saint Louis, USA); Neal Patwari and Jie Wang (Washington University in St. Louis, USA); Jacobus E. Van der Van der Merwe and Kirk Webb (University of Utah, USA)



Monday, May 13, 5-7PM

Collocated with the Welcome Reception

Location: Washington I


1. Testbed Design for Robot Navigation through Differential Raytracing

Sunday Amatare, Michelle Samson and Debashri Roy (The University of Texas Arlington, USA)


2. Speclearn: Spectrum Learning in Shared Band under Extreme Noise Conditions

Mohammad Hasibur Rahman, Gaurav Singh and Debashri Roy (The University of Texas Arlington, USA)


3. YOLO for Radio Frequency Signal Classification

Anna T Quach and Randall D Reese (Idaho National Laboratory, USA)


4. Evaluating Cooperative Spectrum Sensing: A Hardware-in-the-Loop Approach

Mir Lodro, Simon Armour and Mark Beach (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain))


5. Milli-O-RAN: A Flexible, Reconfigurable O-RAN enabled mmWave Network Testbed

Vikram Reddy Anapana (George Mason University, USA); Nathan H. Stephenson (NextG Wireless Lab, USA); Vijay K. Shah (George Mason University, USA)


6. Keeping rural providers earnest with third-party mobile network measurement campaigns

Vaasu Taneja, Nicholas Bernard and Karyn Doke (University at Albany, USA); Mariya Zheleva (UAlbany SUNY, USA)


7. Economic and Market Design Challenges for Spectrum Zone Management Systems

Carlos E. Caicedo Bastidas (Syracuse University, USA); Randall A Berry and Igor Kadota (Northwestern University, USA); William Lehr (Massaschusetts Institute of Technology, USA)


8. Private Networks for Refinery Industry - Commercial Deployment

Vanlin Sathya (University of Chicago, USA); Ed Savage and Mehmet Yavuz (Celona, USA)
